Data Science Foundations for Beginners: Integrating AI/ML with Web Development

Welcome to our Data Science Foundations course designed for beginners! In this course, you will embark on an exciting journey into the world of data science, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and their integration with web development. We'll provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to harness the power of data, make data-driven decisions, and create interactive web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Live Classes
  • Certified Course
  • Job Assistance

What you'll learn

1. Introduction to Data Science

  • Understanding the fundamentals of data science.
  • Exploring the importance of data in modern decision-making.

2. Web Development Basics

  • Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from scratch.
  • Building a strong foundation for creating interactive web applications.

3. Data Collection and Preprocessing

  • Gathering data from various sources.
  • Cleaning and preparing data for analysis.

4. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Visualizing data with charts and graphs.
  • Extracting insights from data through EDA.

5. Introduction to AI and ML

  • Demystifying artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Understanding the applications of AI and ML in the real world.

6. Integrating AI/ML with Web Development

  • Developing web applications that leverage AI and ML.
  • Creating dynamic, data-driven websites.
  • Live Classes with hands-on coding under the guidance of Experienced Professionals (not recorded content)
  • Personalized attention: With daily TA support, students have access to a team of teaching assistants who can answer their questions and provide one-on-one support when needed.
  • Be Mentored 1:1 by Experienced Professionals
  • Real Life use-cases with capstone projects
  • Interactive & Collaborative learning directly with our Faculty
  • Interactive sessions with experts and fellow participants
  • Career Guidance
  • 10+ Placement Partners
Extra Achievements:

TPathshala industry-recognized certification upon completion of your courses, giving students a valuable credential to add to their resume and demonstrating their expertise to potential employers.

Additionally, we provide job placement assistance to students, helping them find employment in their chosen field after completing their courses.

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  • A computer with internet access
  • No specific prerequisites are required. A strong willingness to learn and a passion for data and web development are all you need.


  • This course is designed for beginners or advanced learners and is ideal for anyone looking to build a career in the fast-paced and ever-evolving tech industry.

Success Stories: Our Students Land Top Jobs at Renowned Organizations!

2 Months!
15-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Job AssistanceYes
  • CertificateYes
  • Lectures20+
  • Mock Interview2
  • RequirementsNo coding experience necessary
  • Pass Percentage100%
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